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Fudan Management Science Forum

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年05月16日 20:13 新浪财经

  Theme: Sustainable Development & Management Science


  Improving communications and understandings among Chinese and international researchers in the field of Management Science

  Probing the evolution and progress of Management Science in China

  Accelerating the implementation of Management Science in the social economic development of China

  Promoting the studies of Chinese researchers and their influences on the world

  Featured Topics

  The role of Management Science in sustainable development

  The blueprint of the development of Management Science in China

  The frontier of Management Science research in the world and its implementation in China

  Draft Programme

  Plenary Session: invited speeches by well-known scientists

  Round Table Session:discussion on various topics by groups of experts and specialists


  Starr Building

  School of Management, Fudan University

  670 Guoshun Road

  Shanghai 200433, China

  Participants should make their hotel reservations through the Forum.



  Long Yongtu, General secretary, Bo’ ao Asia Forum; Vice president, Fudan Management Award Foundation


  Prof. Zheng Zukang, Vice president, Fudan University


  Well-known management science researchers in China

  Important Dates:

  Registration deadline: 1st July, 2006

  Forum Dates: 18th – 19th August, 2006

  To Register Please Contact

  Ms. Helena Huang

  Tel: 8621-65101529

  Fax: 8621-65103060

  Add: Room 710, Lidansan Building

  School of Management

  Fudan University,

  Shanghai, 200433, China

  E-mail: helenahuang@fudan.edu.cn  



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