工商业企业家奖得主宋郑还http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年02月02日 18:45 中国经营报
安永会计师事务所2月2日宣布“安永企业家奖”- 中国2006十一位得主。这是安永首次在中国举办这项享誉全球的商业奖项。这项评选活动旨在表彰成功的企业家,见证其卓越的企业家精神,并褒扬其在创造就业、提高中国企业的竞争力以及带动国家经济发展等方面做出的贡献。 工商业企业家奖得主 Industry & Commerce Category Winner 宋郑还 总裁 好孩子集团 Song Zhenghuan President Goodbaby Group 在17年前当宋郑还先生还是一名副校长时,宋先生被教育局要求管理一家位于昆山市教育局下属的亏损工具生产企业。借助一笔小额银行贷款并凭借摇摆功能等重大创新技术,宋先生在1989年将这家景况不佳的企业转型成为生产童车的好孩子集团。在这一过程中,宋先生拒绝出售其创新技术产权来赚取眼前利润的做法,这显示了宋先生的企业家精神和远见。现今,好孩子的产品在中国拥有强大的销售网络,包括6家专卖店、35家分公司、40家连锁店和5,000多个销售柜台。1993年以来,好孩子一直是中国最大的童车生产企业,并自1999年以来成为了美国市场最大的婴儿车出口商。据《财富》杂志报导,目前美国每三辆童车中就有一辆是由好孩子生产。 Mr Song was a deputy headmaster when he was asked to manage a loss-making tooling factory in Kunshan owned by the Education Bureau 17 years ago. With great innovations such as the swing enabling functions, and financed with a small bank loan, Mr Song transformed the ailing factory into Goodbaby in 1989 producing baby strollers. In the process, Mr Song had showed great entrepreneurial spirit and vision by refusing to sell his innovation rights for a quick profit. The company’s products are now sold through a substantial distribution network in China, which includes six specialty stores, 35 branches, 40 chain stores and over 5,000 sales counters. Goodbaby has become the number one stroller manufacturer in China since 1993, and number one exporter to the US market since 1999, and reported by Fortune that one in three strollers in the US are currently made by Goodbaby.
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