工商业企业家奖得主郭广昌http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年02月02日 18:43 中国经营报
安永会计师事务所2月2日宣布“安永企业家奖”- 中国2006十一位得主。这是安永首次在中国举办这项享誉全球的商业奖项。这项评选活动旨在表彰成功的企业家,见证其卓越的企业家精神,并褒扬其在创造就业、提高中国企业的竞争力以及带动国家经济发展等方面做出的贡献。 工商业企业家奖得主 Industry & Commerce Category Winner 郭广昌 董事长兼总裁 上海复星高科技(集团)有限公司 Guo Guangchang President & CEO Shanghai Fosun High Technology Group Co. Ltd. 受邓小平先生1992年南巡的鼓舞,郭广昌先生决定建立自己的第一家公司,以抓住中国经济改革开放带来的巨大机遇。由于缺乏资金,加之经验不足,郭先生需要克服许多困难。他的企业家精神和坚忍不屈的毅力在1994年终于得到了回报。这一年,郭先生和他的同事们成功地研制出肝炎诊断试剂,并成立了复星医药。该公司于1998年在上交所成功上市。此后,郭先生着手进行多元化经营,并于1994年通过成立上海复地进军房地产市场。上海复地亦于2004年在香港联交所成功上市。2001年,郭先生还在钢铁行业中捕捉到了业务发展的机会;他通过业务重组,成功把南京钢铁的经营状况转亏为盈。郭先生的成功投资还跨越了多个其它行业,包括零售业、证券业和传媒业等等。能够在过去的20年中创立起中国最大的多元化企业集团之一,郭先生的“汇聚成长力量”经营哲学功不可没。 In 1992, inspired by Mr Deng Xiaoping’s visit to southern China, Mr Guo decided to start his first company in order to capitalize on the potential opportunities from the opening up of the PRC economy. With little capital and experience, he had to overcome many adversities. His entrepreneurial spirits and perseverance paid off when his team successfully produced a hepatitis tester. He formed Fosun Pharmaceutical in 1994, and subsequently has it listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1998. In 1994, he entered into the property market by establishing Forte Land, which was subsequently listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2004. In 2001, Mr Guo expanded into the iron & steel industry and succeeded in turning around the loss making business of Nanjing Iron & Steel. Mr Guo has also successfully invested into other industries including retail, securities and media. Mr Guo’s philosophy of “Discover, Manage and Prosper” has helped him to create one of China’s largest conglomerates within the last two decades.
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