

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年02月02日 18:39 中国经营报

  安永会计师事务所2月2日宣布“安永企业家奖”- 中国2006十一位得主。这是安永首次在中国举办这项享誉全球的商业奖项。这项评选活动旨在表彰成功的企业家,见证其卓越的企业家精神,并褒扬其在创造就业、提高中国企业的竞争力以及带动国家经济发展等方面做出的贡献。

  信息科技及科技业企业家奖得主IT & Technology Category Winner




  Robin Li

  Chairman & CEO

  Baidu.com, Inc.


  Before setting up Baidu, Mr Li worked in Silicon Valley as a leading search engineer at Infoseek. Although the industry outlook was uncertain at that time, he showed great perseverance by continuing with the development of search engine technology. Mr. Li returned to China to establish Baidu with his business partner in 2000, which provided pure back-end search engine services. In 2001, Mr Li decided to change the business model and launched a search portal for Internet end-users. The transformation brought Baidu an annual growth rate close to 200% since 2003, and led to a hugely successful IPO in 2005. Mr Li was awarded “The Best Business Leader 2006” by BusinessWeek and was recognised by some VC investors as one of the Top-5 search engine experts in the world. Baidu is now the biggest and most frequently used Internet search engine in China, the biggest Chinese language Internet search engine worldwide, and the largest website in China.

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