安永会计师事务所2月2日宣布“安永企业家奖”- 中国2006十一位得主。这是安永首次在中国举办这项享誉全球的商业奖项。这项评选活动旨在表彰成功的企业家,见证其卓越的企业家精神,并褒扬其在创造就业、提高中国企业的竞争力以及带动国家经济发展等方面做出的贡献。
Jiang Nan Chun
Chairman & CEO
Focus Media (China) Holding Ltd.
Mr Jiang worked part-time in the advertising industry when he was a college student and showed his potential by becoming the top salesman within one year. With his talent, he started his own advertising agency in 1994, focusing IT advertising services. During the Internet economy downturn in 2001, Mr Jiang had a vision to expand his client base outside of IT advertising. He established Focus Media in 2003 and invented the concept of “Commercial Location Advertising” in China. In one and a half year, Mr Jiang attracted funding of more than US$85 million and expanded its markets to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. Mr Jiang has created China’s largest commercial location advertising company within 3 years, and Focus Media was listed on NASDAQ in 2005. The company has since acquired several other advertising companies, including the company’s largest competitor. It now operates in 75 China cities, with a 70% share in the commercial location advertising market and rapidly expanding into other advertising media such as mobile phones and cinemas.