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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年11月17日 20:01 新浪财经

  心理学博士、中欧国际商学院(CEIBS) EMBA。



  Dr Frank Chen Managing Director, Interbrand Shanghai

  As the managing director of Interbrand Shanghai, Frank leads a team in developing business and delivering Interbrand branding services in China.

  Frank jointed Interbrand in the beginning of 2002 with the experience of over 15 years in Chinese market research and related marketing and branding strategy formulation. Since the very beginning of the opening of Chinese market, Frank has contributed his expertise in Chinese consumer values and behavior to those earlier birds of multinational companies to this market, such as Gillette, Johnson&Johnson, Uniliver, and Kodak, and later comers or raising local enterprises include GM, Shanghai Jahwa, DBS, HDB, Deloitte Consultancy.

  Frank holds Doctor degrees in Psychology of Beijing Normal University in 1992, and MBA degree of China European International Business School in 2000. He is pride of his experience of living in Chinese countryside when being sent to there in 1970s as a shop assistant, from which he got very insight on what was human nature and the reality of the Chinese people.

  Prior to joining Interbrand, he worked with CVSC-Sofers Media Research, which is the biggest media research company in the world, jointly owned by China Central Television and Taylor Nelson Sofres,erehwFrank was the vice general manager with the overall responsibility for methodology and technology development, quality assurance system, customer relationship management and business cooperation with local televisions and other partners.

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