王利芬特供新浪财经专稿:我眼中的耶鲁大学(4) | |
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年09月10日 12:25 新浪财经 | |
希拉里在她的《活生生的历史》中曾写到,她第一次遇到克林顿就是在这里。她是这样写的: I first saw him in the law school’s lounge, he was holding forth before a rapt audience of fellow students. As I walked by, I heard him say:…and not only that, we grow the biggest watermelons in the world! I asked a friend, “who is that?” “Oh, that’s Bill Clinton,” he said. “He’s from Arkansas, and that’s all he ever talks about.” We would run into each other around campus, but we never actually met until one night at the Yale law library the following spring. I was studying in the library, and Bill was standing out in the hall talking to another student…I noticed that he kept looking at me, and I’m going to keep looking back, we might as well be introduced. I’m Hillary Rodham.” That was it. 法学院的阅览室:希拉里描写的遇到克林顿的地方 如同哈佛大学的商学院一样,耶鲁大学的法学院也是这所大学最著名的。 女人桌:这是耶鲁大学校园第一件艺术作品,由林徽音的侄女林音设计。 女人桌特写:0表示当时没有女生,后来一点点增多,到现在已是一半对一半,有时女学生还比男生要多一些。女人是水,水终于漫过卓面填平了男女之间的差距
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