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The world must learn to live with a wide-awake China

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年11月14日 15:00 新浪财经


Let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.



Until recently, the world happily ignored Napoleon's warning. But China is now shaking the world. The US was the first continental, capitalist, economy. The European Union is trying to become a second. Potentially, China dwarfs them both. Already, it is a big, and controversial, presence in the global economy. Its impact is certain to increase still further. Fear is an inevitable response to this growing upheaval. But how far is it justified? And what is the best response?




China's trade performance has, indeed, been astonishing. Between 1980 and 2002, China's share in global exports and imports rose from 1.2 per cent and 1.1 per cent, to 5.2 per cent and 4.2 per cent, respectively. From 1993 to 2002, the volume of China's exports of goods rose at an annual rate of 17.3 per cent. If current trends were sustained (which is unlikely), China's exports would surpass those of the US by about 2010. Over the 12 months to May 2003, Chinese exports of bn were the world's fourth largest, after those of the US, Germany and Japan. Its imports, at bn, were the sixth largest, but will soon be bigger than those of Japan, the UK and France.

  上述的增长态势令人想起日本。但是,中国的扩张至少在两方面不同于日本。其一,中国经济的开放程度大大高于日本:以市场价格计算,2001年中国的贸易额占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例为44%,而日本仅为18%。其二,中国的出口对外国直接投资的依赖程度大大高于日本:联合国发布的《世界投资报告》(World Investment Report)显示,2000年中国出口商品中有一半来自外国在华的附属公司。中国在全球经济中的力量将超过日本,这不仅因为中国具有比日本更大的潜力,还因为中国融入全球经济的程度将比日本更深。


This growth recalls that of Japan. But China's expansion is different, in at least two respects. First, China's economy is far more open: its ratio of trade to gross domestic product, at market prices, was 44 per cent in 2001, while Japan's was only 18 per cent. Second, China's exports are far more dependent on inward direct investment: in 2000, according to the United Nations' World Investment Report, half China's exports came from foreign affiliates. China will be a bigger force in the world economy than Japan, not only because its potential is far larger but also because it will be far more deeply integrated within it.


To assess the impact of China's trade, one must start with its comparative advantage and trade policies. The former rests on almost limitless supplies of cheap labour. The latter have become remarkably liberal. In 1992, average statutory tariffs on manufactures were 46.5 per cent. After accession to the World Trade Organisation, this will be down to 6.9 per cent. For primary products, the decline is from 22.3 to 3.6 per cent. China also reduced the coverage of non-tariff barriers from 32.5 per cent of imports to 21.6 per cent between 1996 and 2001.* This liberalisation further increases the competitiveness of China's exports, because a tax on imports is also a tax on exports.



Between 1979 and 2001, China's terms of trade - the ratio of the prices of its exports to those of its imports - fell by 30 per cent.** As China's growth drives down the relative price of her exports, countries that compete in third markets suffer declining profitability and market shares. But net importers of China's exports and net exporters of her imports benefit. In general, commodity exporters and exporters of sophisticated goods and services gain, while other labour-abundant countries lose.

  高盛(Goldman Sachs)发布了一份关于中国对拉美国家经济影响的分析报告,题为《中国带给拉美国家的酸甜苦辣》(The Sweet and Sour Effects of China in Latin America)(2003年11月7日)。报告指出,面对中国的冲击,墨西哥受损,而阿根廷、巴西和智利则得益,后三国都是初级产品出口大国。以去年为例,中国在对美制成品供应上超过墨西哥。尽管中国的工资水平已大幅提高,但在2002年仍只有墨西哥的四分之一左右。墨西哥的生产力水平虽然在提高,但其速度没有快到足以抵消中国劳动力的成本优势。随着墨西哥开始丧失市场分额,它还面临失去外国直接投资(FDI)的风险。这一点部分解释了为什么流入墨西哥的外国直接投资快速减少。2001年,墨西哥的外国直接投资为250亿美元(无可否认,这是很高的记录),到2002年,降到了140亿美元。高盛认为,中国对墨西哥国际收支的影响相当于墨西哥国内生产总值(GDP)的4%,今后,这一影响可能还会加大。

An analysis of the impact on Latin America by Goldman Sachs ("The Sweet and Sour Effects of China in Latin America", November 7 2003), notes that Mexico is a loser, while Argentina, Brazil and Chile - all big commodity exporters - are gainers. Last year, for example, China overtook Mexico as a supplier of manufactures to the US market. China's wages were still about a quarter of Mexico's in 2002, even though they have been soaring. Mexico's productivity is not rising fast enough to offset this Chinese advantage. As Mexico loses market share, it also risks losing inward foreign direct investment. This explains, in part, why inward FDI fell from bn in 2001 (admittedly, a very high level) to bn in 2002. In all, argues Goldman Sachs, the impact of China on Mexico's balance of payments amounts to 4 per cent of gross domestic product, which could increase further.



What has been bad for Mexico has been good for Argentina, Brazil and Chile, which have enjoyed rising trade surpluses with China. Goldman Sachs estimates the positive impact on Argentina and Brazil at 0.75 per cent of their combined 2003 GDPs. Gains come to other commodity exporters, as well. Among them are Australia and New Zealand and the oil exporters, which now possess a voracious market in the decades ahead.



Gains are even available to countries that would seem vulnerable to direct Chinese competition. The reason is the vertical integration of Chinese production. In 1998, just under a quarter of the value of Chinese exports contained direct and indirect imports. Not surprisingly, such production is particularly relevant to China's neighbours. Another World Bank study notes, for example, that between 1985 and 2001, exports from other east Asian emerging market economies to China grew from .9bn to .5bn. In 2001, 15 per cent of east Asia's exports to China consisted of parts of office machines and telecommunications equipment and electronic microcircuits, all of which were for assembly and re-export.***


How should other countries respond to the Chinese shock? "Calmly" is the best advice.


One reason is economic: the most adversely affected countries can do little about China's rise, while those that can do something also benefit most from it. Unless Mexico can persuade its trading partners to increase their protectionist barriers against China, on a discriminatory basis, it can do nothing to remedy the averse impact. But net importers from China are gainers. Imposing protection is to inflict losses upon themselves.


But the bigger reason for calm comes from history. If China is permitted to thrive as a dynamic exporter of cheap manufactures, its people will obtain the prosperity they want. If China is thwarted by protectionist barriers, its people will be correspondingly frustrated and dangerous.


The challenges of accommodating a wide-awake China will be huge. But they can - and must - be risen to.

  *埃琳娜•伊安乔威纳(Elena Ianchovina)和威尔•马丁(Will Martin),《中国加入WTO的经济影响》,世界银行,2002年12月11日。**威尔•马丁(Will Martin)和弗拉德•马诺莱(Vlad Manole),《中国变为世界工厂》,世界银行,2003年9月15日。***弗朗西斯•吴(Francis Ng)和亚历山大•叶芝(Alexander Yeats),《东亚主要贸易趋势》,世界银行政策研究工作论文 第3084号,2003年6月。见世界银行网址 www.worldbank.org 作者电子邮箱 martin.wolf@ft.com

* Elena Ianchovina and Will Martin, Economic Impacts of China's Accession to the WTO, World Bank, December 11 2002; ** Will Martin and Vlad Manole, China's Emergence as the Workshop of the World, World Bank, 15 September 2003; *** Francis Ng and Alexander Yeats, Major Trade Trends in East Asia, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3084, June 2003. All on www.worldbank.org. xref martin.wolf@ft.com





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