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Market transparency can lift cloud of scandal

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年11月10日 11:44 新浪财经



Stock markets around the world have enjoyed a healthy rebound this year. But the battle to regain the hearts, minds and trust of ordinary investors is not being quickly won.

    围绕纽约证交所(New York Stock Exchange)前董事长理查德•格拉索(Richard Grasso)的薪酬计划,人们展开了一场争论,但这场争论远不只与钱有关。这一事件重新勾起人们的疑虑:作为全球资本主义的“发动机房”,对证券市场的监管方法能否重新赢得投资者的信任呢?的确,如果公众把证券市场看作老式的私人俱乐部,不对任何人负责,那我们又有什么理由期望投资者信心会恢复呢?

The controversy that surrounded the compensation package granted to Richard Grasso, the former chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, was more than a dispute over money. The incident revived doubts about whether stock markets - the engine rooms of global capitalism - can be governed in a way that wins back investors' faith. Indeed, if the public views the markets as old-fashioned private clubs, accountable to no one, how can we reasonably expect investor confidence to return?

    这就是约翰•里德(John Reed)所面临的问题。这位花旗银行(Citibank)前董事长已同意出任纽约证交所的临时负责人。

That is the question facing John Reed, the former chairman of Citibank, who has agreed to lead the NYSE on an interim basis.


As the president of Nasdaq, a direct competitor of the NYSE, I have a stake in seeing one of the world's largest exchanges restore its reputation. I want Mr Reed to succeed. But, in one of his first efforts to redirect the NYSE, he has proposed an ineffectual reform that still leaves the fox guarding the henhouse.


Historically, stock exchanges in the US have been self-regulating organisations: although they operate under rules mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, they are responsible for their own day-to-day regulation. Yet at a time when there is increased sensitivity about potential conflicts of interest, there is a need for some independent regulation.


During recent congressional testimony, Mr Reed alluded to the appointment of a board of directors most of whom have no link to the stock market, either as officers of a public company or as members of a securities firm.


So far, so good.


But, as an added measure, Mr Reed is said to be pondering the establishment of two boards under a single umbrella, one to supervise the regulation of the NYSE and another to oversee its operations. Both would ultimately report to the chairman of the NYSE.


This division of labour is likely to be perceived as another Wall Street shell game. The basic conflict inside the NYSE has not been eliminated; and it is meaningless to have a regulatory body that reports to the chairman of the organisation. It would be likeshavingsa pharmaceuticals company such as GlaxoSmithKline and the Food and Drug Administration governed by the same board.


Moreover, the proposed reforms add further complexity at a time when i nvestors need simplicity and clarity.

    在20世纪90年代中期,纳斯达克也经历了一场信心危机。当时,美国证交委责备全美证券交易商协会(National Association of Securities Dealers)未能对纳斯达克进行充分监管。全美证券交易商协会是纳斯达克的所有者和监管机构。

In the mid-1990s, Nasdaq experienced its own crisis of confidence. The SEC blamed Nasdaq's owner and regulator, the National Association of Securities Dealers, for failing to police Nasdaq adequately.


It was an embarrassing episode in our history but we learnt that regulation must remain separate from commerce. There was much grumbling when the SEC imposed these conditions. Still, it worked. Today Nasdaq and NASD have separate managements, boards of directors and chairmen. NASD regulates Nasdaq and conducts investigations of individual cases without consulting any members of Nasdaq's management or board.


We believe that the separation from our regulator should go further. Although Nasdaq and its regulatory body operate separately, there is still an organisational - and financial - link that connects us.


That is why we have petitioned the SEC for a licence to operate as a completely separate registered exchange. That would allow us to sever all our ties from the NASD and any possible conflict would be eliminated.


The NYSE needs to embrace a similar system of independent regulation because public confidence so clearly demands it.

    在过去3年中,金融界受到了一连串丑闻事件的震荡。这些丑闻严重损坏了公众对自由市场体系的信心。从安然(Enron)、世通(WorldCom)和环球电讯(Global Crossing)的财务丑闻,到华尔街分析师的不法行为,到近期有关纽约证交所薪酬问题引起的争议,这些问题都源于一个充满内在利益冲突的机制。

Over the past three years, the financial world has been shaken by a series of scandals that has had a devastating effect on public confidence in the free market system. These problems - from Enron, WorldCom and Global Crossing, to the behaviour of Wall Street analysts, to the recent uproar about compensation at the exchange - stem from a system riddled with built-in conflicts of interest.


The new leadership of the NYSE has a responsibility to overhaul its regulatory system and convince investors that our markets can be transparent and trustworthy institutions. If it misses this opportunity, Wall Street may never emerge from the dark cloud of scandal. The author is the president and chief executive officer of Nasdaq








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