
2014年11月13日 15:34  新浪财经 微博 收藏本文     

  新浪财经讯 由《ECO-NOMY碳商》杂志主办的首届“国家绿色竞争力”论坛将于11月20日在上海举办。




  In the pursuit of a sustainable future, different nations and regions have developed their own green industry policies and innovation systems. The development of clean technology in the US, the energy transition in Germany, and the environment preservation policies of Kyushu, Japan, have set reliable standards which we all can learn from . What is the status and direction of China’s future green economy?

  The industry is increasing efforts to seek new ways of making their business more sustainable. Big companies try to strengthen their leading positions through continuous technological development and innovation, while smaller green businesses become specialists in certain fields. Together, these different forces push the

  development of the green economy forward。

  Meanwhile, people in China pay more attention to environmental issues and topics like energy and air quality, and the systematic solutions of environmental challenges。

  ECO-NOMY Magazine, with four years extensive reporting on sustainability and green business,will host the first National Green Competitiveness Forum and Green Innovation Exhibition in Shanghai。


  2014 National Green Competitiveness Forum & Green Innovation Exhibition

  时间/Time:2014年11月20日 9:00-17:30

  地点/Venue:上海 创智天地会议中心 淞沪路388号创智天地广场7号楼1楼

  KIC Conference Center, 1F, Seven KIC Plaza, No.388 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai


文章关键词: 首届“国家绿色竞争力”论坛国家绿色竞争力论坛绿色竞争力论坛

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