

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年11月21日 10:08  新浪财经微博
Nov 13
16:00 - 19:00 Reception at Mayacamas: GeneroCity, SVN, W&G Forum, other invited guests
Nov 14
9:00 - 11:00 Overview of Innovative Philanthropy in the US, Drummond Pike, fdr Tides Foundation
12:00 - 13:30 Overview of Philanthropy and Family Giving in China, Chinese Delegation
14:00 - 16:00 US Family Philanthropy across Generations, Bob Friedman and Haas Family, others TBD
18:00 Dinner with RISE and Speaker: Asset Development in Low Wealth Communities
Bob Friedman, founder, Center for Enterprise Development
Nov 15
9:00 - 11:00 Philanthropy in the US and China: A facilitated dialogue
Saffir Raab and Larry Biehl, Interculture
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch with RISE: Reflections on US and Chinese Philanthropy
14:00 - 16:00 Purpose and Philanthropy dialogue, facilitated by Timothy Karsten, TDKAGroup
18:00 Dinner with RISE and Speaker: Principles for Regenerative Cities in China and the world Herbert Girardet, Co-Founder World Future Society
Nov 16
8:30 Breakfast with RISE and guest speaker: Dennis Jaffe, Prof of Organizational Psychology How a Family Can Develop Human, Family and Social Capital Across Generations
10:00 Future Visioning Exercise with Prof Jaffe, Herbert Girardet, and Cynthia Scott, Presidio School of Sustainable Management
12:00 Lunch with RISE and invited guests from foundations, social ventures, family philanthropy
13:30 Depart for Bonnie Meyer’s home in Napa for wine tasting
18:00 Dinner with RISE and guest speaker: Jim Gordon, MD, Fdr. The Center for Mind/Body Medicine Helping Communities Cope with Disaster
Nov 17
12:30 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Policy and Innovations in Philanthropy Exchange
17:30 Stanford Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS): Steve McCormick, guest speaker
Nov 18
12:30 Stanford PACS: Matt Bannick, former President of EBay and Managing Partner of the Omidyar Network; and the Skoll Foundation staff
16:00 Tesla Showroom, Palo Alto

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