

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年07月08日 15:10  新浪财经



  在“全球视野、中国主张、创新实践”的编辑方针下,《全球商业经典》将超越传统的新闻维度,推演商业、社会的深层逻辑趋势,把信息碎片整合为清晰的图景,告诉人们嘈杂背后的真相、混沌中隐藏的秩序、万物并作而共赢的路径和一个时代的价值归属。    《全球商业经典》分为天下、封面、世间、经典、人文、趋势、生活等七大版块。“天下”汇聚全球资讯与精英观点,“封面”提供战略与趋势的深度报道,“世间”通过审视个人命运折射大历史,“经典”则是对商业模式与典型案例的全景剖析,“人文”追寻商业原点的价值基因,“趋势”描画技术与商业的未来,“生活”倡导美及与优雅有关的一切。    《全球商业经典》坚持“尊重财富、服务社会、提升文明”的价值理念,主张“前瞻性、判断力和建设性”,通过独特的视角、生动的表达、丰富的案例、饶有趣味的故事以及国际化视觉风格,为读者提供一种新鲜的阅读体验。




  Introduction to Global Business

  Focused on business,

  Global Business reports on societyand culture, economic trends and strategies, as well as investmentopportunities and business models. Supervised by China National School ofAdministration and produced by Beijing Wanda Time Culture & Media Co., Ltd.The magazine has a circulation of 150,000 volumes per month and focuses on theaudience group of businessmen. GlobalBusiness is set to begin printing a revised format in July 2011.

  Usingan editorial focus that emphasizes global vision, Chinese opinion, and creativepractices, Global Business goesbeyond common news reports and analyses to predict developing trends in bothbusiness and society. It will integrate fragments of stories to create acomplete picture that reveals the truth in triviality, the order in chaos, thepath to success, and the values of the era。

  Thenew magazine is divided into seven sections: The World, Cover Story,Documentary, Biz Profile, Panorama, Future and Life. The World provides globalnews and elite opinions; Cover Story offers in-depth reports of strategies andtrends; Documentary aims to capture society through the personal stories; BizProfile analyzes business models and presents case studies; Panorama exploresthe value of businessmen; Future presents a picture of upcoming technology inthe business world; Life reports oneverything with elegance and beauty。

  Global Business is devoted torespecting wealth, serving society and elevating civilization. We advocate thevirtues of foresight, judgment and constructiveness and strive to provide afresh reading experience with a unique angle, vivid expressions, plentifulexamples, interesting stories and international visual styles。

  Witha close contact with both Chinese and oversea institutes and universities, Global Business will soon establish the Institute of Global Business Trends and the

  Research Center of Business News atthe same time。

  Global Business

  What matters is where you stand, not what you see。

  -Global Business, aiding your visionfor the future。

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