

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:26  新浪财经

  张鉴钧是普华永道北京公司的咨询服务部总监. 他领导普华永道”可持续发展及气候变化“中国业务部, 侧重于在气候变化及碳交易市场, 企业碳战略, 碳足迹核证, 环境健康安全尽职调查, 公司社会责任, 可持续发展报告, 企业合规性审计等方面为公司客户提供服务。

  张鉴钧是普华永道全球”能源,公用设施和矿业” 业务网络成员之一, 在石油,天然气,煤炭以及可再生能源领域拥有丰富的经验. 他在协助中国企业走出去以及外国矿业公司来华投资领域负责公司战略拟定,市场准入调研,经济分析等方面的工作。

  在此之前, 张鉴钧曾在普华永道英国伦敦公司工作过六年时间, 任宏观经济部高级经济师兼伦敦中国业务中心主任. 他密切参与了若干能源项目的投资风险评估及战略开发方面的工作. 他撰写了大量有关中国和亚洲经济的文章, 尤其涉及中国加入世贸组织对中国及世界的影响, 接受BBC,ABC等众多媒体的采访, 去剑桥大学, 皇家国际关系学院等若干学术机构发表演讲, 并向英国商界提供有关中国经济问题的咨询。

  从伦敦回中国后张鉴钧任壳牌中国天然气及发电部高级战略计划顾问, 负责编写壳牌油气商业计划及中国发展战略, 并负责竞争情报调查和国别战略制订工作. 它还负责壳牌上游勘探作业与中游LNG站点开发的协调工作。

  张鉴钧曾在中国对外经济贸易部国际经贸关系司工作过十四年,任多边经贸合作处处长, 他曾任亚太经合组织贸易投资委员会中方首席代表,国际黄麻组织项目委员会主席等. 他发表过多篇学术研究报告和文章, 并同众多中央部委保持着密切的联系。

  张鉴钧本科毕业于北京对外经济贸易大学, 后毕业于美国纽约哥伦比亚大学, 获国际关系硕士学位(国际经济政策专业)。

  Allan is a directorof the PwC Beijing office.  He leads PwCChina’s Beijing based Sustainable Business Solutions (SBS) practice, helpingboth seller and buyers of carbon credits on CDM projects and providing servicesin the areas of environmental due diligence, corporate social responsibility,sustainability reporting and compliance assurance. He is also a member of PwCglobal Energy, Utilities and Mining (EUM) team and advise clients on oil &gas, renewable energy and mining deals for both inbound and outboundtransactions。

  Allan has richexperience in CDM projects. He has led a number of carbon due diligenceprojects for international carbon credit buyers in the areas of wind farm,hydropower, energy efficiency improvement and coal mine methane projects, andalso advised various clients on their CDM project development, project and/orcooperation partner screening, and risk management. He is a frequent speaker toa number of international seminars in China as well one-to-one meetings withclients. He maintains very close relationship with government agencies such asthe National Development and Reform Commission as well energy related researchinstitutions on CDM, renewable energy and mining。

  Allan previouslyworked with PwC London for nearly six year as a Senior Economist and theDirector of PwC’s London-based China Business Centre. After PwC London, Allanworked as a Senior Strategy & Planning Advisor at Shell Gas & PowerChina, focusing on developing corporate strategy and renewable energy. Prior tojoining PwC London,  he worked in China’sMinistry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (presently MOFCOM) for 13years, and left as the Director for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation andAsia-Europe Meeting affairs。

  Allan holds a masterdegree of economics from Columbia University in New York. He received hisbachelor degree from the University of International Business and Economics inBeijing。

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