

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:25  新浪财经







  China’sRepresentative of KfW Carbon Fund

  Mr. Zhai is China’s Representative of KfWCarbon Fund. KfW is a promotional bank belonged to German Federal Government,and has been engaged in poverty alleviation and sustainable development indeveloping countries since its establishment. KfW has supported China’sdevelopment in infrastructure, energy, transportation, education, health and reforestation,etc with a commitment of over 11 billion euro since 1980s. KfW Carbon Fundendeavours to approach and purchase carboncredits from ES and EE projects with a mission to assist European and especially German SMEs by fulfilling theirreduction obligations。

  Mr. Zhai has been focussed on CDM and primary carbonmarket development in China

  and Mongolia

  since his embarking on KfW in 2007. Besides rich experiences in operating RE,EE and Methane Recovery projects, Mr. Zhai has also been involved in policystudies in the area of climate change, and co-authored articles of carbonmarket. Prior to this, Mr. Zhai undertook investment consulting career inenergy saving and emission reduction areas。

  Mr. Zhai graduated from Beijing Univ。

  with a M.A. of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, and also armed withbachelor’s degrees in Environmental Sciences, Economics and AppliedMathematics。

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