

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:23  新浪财经


  Mr.Yang Zaiping, Ph D., is the Executive Vice President of China Banking Association, Inspector ofSupervisory Rules & Regulations Department of China Banking RegulatoryCommission (CBRC), Deputy Secretary of China Society for Financeand Banking, also a delegate of Beijing Xicheng District People’s Conference。

  Mr.Yang Zaiping previously worked as Deputy Director of CBRC Research Bureau, alsoserved at People’s Bank of China,CPC Central Committee General Office, and CPPCC General Office。

  Mr.Yang was associated professor at Wuhan University,People’s University of China, and a visiting scholar to Canada. Mr. Yang’s over one hundredarticles has been published broadly, as well as his eight books, which includes

  Analysis of Government Behavior inChinese Economy, Essay on Market,

  China: Looking at Euro in GlobalPerspective, View on Efficiency andPerformance: Insight of Frontier Issues in China’s Finance, etc。

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