

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:21  新浪财经





  Biography of YanBingzhu

  Mr.Yan Bingzhu holds Master degree in Economics and title of Senior Economist. Heis the Secretary of CPC Bank of Beijing

  and Chairman of the Bank. He is also a deputy to the 17th National Congress ofCPC, member of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of CPC Beijing and expert entitled with special governmentallowance of the State Council。

  Mr.Yan has more than 30 years experience in financial sector, positions including DeputyHead of PBOC Beijing Branch office, General Manager of Central Branch of BeijingBranch of ICBC, and General Auditor of Beijing Branch of ICBC. He establishedBank of Beijing in 1996 and served as the first President. He has been servingas Chairman since 2002.

  Mr. Yan was awarded as “Beijing AdvancedWorker”,”Top10 China Economy Talents” and “Leading Figure of Global Chinese Entrepreneur”etc. Healso achieved fruitful results in academicresearch and complied “Value Management of Commercial Banks” and “RiskManagement and Internal Control of Commercial Banks”, in addition to more than100 professional articles published。

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