

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:19  新浪财经




  Dr. Wu Daohong

  Wu Daohong owns Dr. Eng. degree and is a Post DoctoralResearcher. He is the incumbent member of Beijing Municipal Committee of CPPCC andthe President of Beijng Shenwu Company。

  At present, Doctor Wu serves as theVisiting Professor of The School of Mechanical Engineering of USTB, ViceChairman of Beijing Thermal Physics & Energy Engineering Institute, ViceChairman of Being Industrial Furnace Institute, Standing Director of BMCS, Directorof EMCA, Director of CSM, Member of academic committee of non-blast furnaceironmaking speciality of ironmaking branch CSM, Director of Industrial FurnaceBranch of CMES, Director of Industrial Furnace & Kiln Branch of ChinaElectronic Industry Association, Director of Thermal Engineering & HeatEnergy Branch of China Society of Electric Power, Director of Furnace &Kiln Branch of CCIA, Director of Furnace & Kiln Branch of China Glass IndustryAssociation, Editorial Member of Industrial Heating magazine, Director of CERS,Director of Industrial Furnace & Fume Treatment Branch of CAEPI, Member ofAPISCEU, Member of Entrepreneur Advisory Committee of Zhongguancun NationalInnovation Model Park, Vice president of Changping District EnterprisesConfederation。

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