

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:15  新浪财经

  唐人虎,中国大唐集团CDM业务负责人, 国家发改委CDM项目审核理事会专家, 973气候变化专项科学家,联合国开发计划署(UNDP)专家库成员。

  作为业务负责人主持了大唐集团CDM业务的技术开发和商务运营并取得了很大成功,目前已成功开发各类电力领域CDM项目42个,累计签发总量近200万吨,其中还包括注册并签发了中国第一个单边CDM项目和中国第一个黄金标准CDM项目,作为国家发改委评审专家评审近700个项目,此外还与清华大学合作开发了第一个中国自主开发的CDM方法学-ACM0013; 作为气候变化领域专家主持了973气候变化专项中关于碳关税和碳市场的相关研究,参与了包括科技部“十一五”国家科技支撑计划,科技部创新方法序列等国家气候变化领域研究;同时作为培训讲师和技术指导还参与了发改委和科技部举办的中法、中日、中丹、中荷等一系列国内CDM能力建设项目。

  Dr.Tang Renhu, Director of CDM office of China DatangCorporation, the member of experts in National CDM Project Board, the chief scientistof Climate Change Project of National Basic Research Program of China (973Program), the member of expert tank in United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)。

  As the head of CDM group, Dr.Tang is responsiblefor the operation of entire CDM business within China Datang Corporation, andachieves brilliant success. By now, 42 projects have been registered and morethan 2 million ton CERs have been issued, including China’s first unilateral CDMproject and the first golden standard CDM project. Meanwhile, cooperated with Tsinghua University, China’s first self-developed CDMmethodology---ACM0013 was successfully developed。

  As an expert, Dr. Tang directs the research in carbontax and carbon market in Climate Change Project of 973 Program, and participatesin Research under the MOST’s Eleventh Five Year Plan and Innovation MethodSerial Program. As the trainer and technical director, he has also beeninvolved in the Capacity-Building Programme of “China-France”, “China-Japan”,“China-Denmark”, “China-Holland” and etc。

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