

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:04  新浪财经





  He Yi

  Project Director of Forest & Climate Change,ShanShui Conservation Center

  He Yi is the Project Director in Forest & ClimateChange of Shan Shui Conservation Center, who also ever worked for ConservationInternational. In 2009, Sichuan Reforestation CDM project was successfullyvalidated by and registered with the CDM-Executive Board under the UNFCCC asthe ninth AR CDM project in the world. Restoring about 2,250 hectares of nativeforests will sequester an estimated 460,000 tons of CO2 over the 20-year lifeof the project. Another forest carbon project in Yunnan developed by the team wasindependently certified with the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB)Standards as the first Gold rating project in the world. In addition, he hasever attended international climate change negotiation several times, includingthe United Nations Climate Change Summits in Kenya,

  Indonesia, Poland, andDanmark from year 2006 to 2009.

  He graduated from the Peking University,earning a Master Degree in Environmental Sciences。

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