

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 11:03  新浪财经

  陈立辉/Alex Chen

  Managing Partner





  AlexChen. Managing Partner, SSG Capital

  Mr.Chen joined SSG Capital in January 2006. Before, he worked as Partner of

  GreenBridge Capital. Before that, he worked as managing director of Zero2ipo

  from 2004 to 2005. Before that, Mr. Chen helped to establish China Venture

  Capital Association (CVCA) and served as the deputy general‐secretaryin 2003.

  From 1997 to 2003, Mr. Chen worked in China Computer World Publishing

  Group and was the founder of a few highly influential magazines in China, such

  as “CEO&CIO", "Digital Fortune“, etc。.

  Mr. Chen has established a wide networking in PE society. He maintains active

  relationship with more than 500 domestic and foreign PE firms and hundreds

  of mainstream media. He has engaged in investment baking business for

  more than ten years and successfully helped dozens of business in fund raising。

  Mr. Chen owns a Bachelor Degree of Law of Peking University and a Master

  Degree of Law as well。

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