
地坛论坛嘉宾简介:Ingolf Jungmann

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 10:57  新浪财经




  Ingolf Jungmann

  Vice President&Managing Director,Frankfurt Schoolof Finance & Management

  Ingolf Jungmann, is the VicePresident and Managing Director of Frankfurt School of Finance &Management (www.frankfurt-school.de). He worked more than 10 years by DresdnerBank AG in its deparments of sales, loan, client counseling as well as humanresources after getting his degree at Hamburg University and passing his stateexamination. As vice president of FS, he is in charge of the businessareas Corporate Programmes, Executive Education, Open Enrolment coursesand the divisions Marketing, Relationship Management, and Study Support as wellas the Career Centre. In addtion, he is member of the German Association forthe Advancement of Executive Education, the German Association of Education forBanking Professionals, as well as Chairman of the Board of European FinancialPlanning Association (EFPA) Germany。

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