
地坛论坛嘉宾简介:Ann Bowering

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 10:52  新浪财经

  Ann Bowering

  CEO &Director SIM Venture Securities Exchange

  Ann is the Chief Executive Officer and a Director of SIM VentureSecurities Exchange (SIM VSE). One of three trading licensed equity markets inAustralia, SIM VSE is the stock exchange dedicated to providing a market forthe listing and trading of securities of entities in the Cleantech sector, hereand ultimately globally. This market provides Cleantech companies with accessto capital, price discovery and information, and Cleantech investors withefficient access to a pool of Cleantech investments in a transparent andorderly regulated securities market。

  Ann is a director of the National Stock Exchange of Australia。

  A Chartered Accountant, Ann worked for KPMG Transaction Services forover ten years in Melbourne, Sydney and Houston. At KPMG Ann worked on over 30unique transactions totaling more than $12 billion in capital raisings andM&A transactions for clients including AGL, Bluescope Steel, Tabcorp andLend Lease. Ann was a leader of the firm’s Risk Management practice。

  As Head of Operations and Business Development at Lucsan Capital, aconsultancy and advisory business focused on providing services to theAustralian financial markets, Ann oversaw a period of significant businessgrowth. Her major accomplishment during this time was the expansion of thebusiness nationally and internationally (a Melbourne

  office successfully opened June 2007 and a London office successfully opened May 2008)。



  安是SIM创业板证券交易所(SIM VSE)的董事兼首席执行官。 作为澳大利亚三家持牌证券交易所之一,SIM VSE交易所致力于为澳洲本地及最终为全球清洁技术产业的公司提供证券上市和交易服务。 这个资本市场既为清洁技术企业提供了一个融资、股价发现和获取市场信息的平台,同时也为清洁产业投资者提供了一个公开透明和管理有序的证券交易市场以便他们进行快捷直通的清洁技术产业投资活动。


  作为一名注册会计师,安在毕马威会计师事务所(KPMG)企业交易服务部门拥有十多年的工作经验,先后被派驻在墨尔本、悉尼和休斯顿工作。 在毕马威会计师事务所工作期间,安参与了30多宗企业交易服务,总计募集交易资金为120亿澳元,所服务的企业兼并购客户有AGL, Bluescope Steel, Tabcorp和Lend Lease 等大公司。安也是毕马威会计师事务所风险管理实践项目的牵头人之一。

  在为澳大利亚金融市场提供商业顾问和咨询的Lucsan资本公司任职期间,安担任公司运营和业务发展负责人,并取得了公司业务增长的骄人业绩。 在这段时间,她的主要成就是扩展了公司在国内和国际市场的业务(于2007年6月成立了墨尔本办事处,并于2008年5月成立了伦敦办事处)。

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