
地坛论坛嘉宾简介:Andreas Wilkes

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年06月01日 10:51  新浪财经




  Andreas Wilkes

  PhD, Head of Programme Development andclimate change specialist with the World Agroforestry Centre

  Dr. Andreas Wilkes is a British citizen whohas been working on natural resource management and agricultural extension in China

  for more than 13 years. He has previously worked at the Institute forDevelopment Studies, UK’sleading development research institute, managed a Chinese environmental NGO andworked as a scientist with the Chinese

  Academy of Sciences. Heis currently based in Beijing

  as Head of Programme Development and climate change specialist with the WorldAgroforestry Centre, an international agricultural research centre. For thelast 7 years his focus has been on grassland management and livestockdevelopment projects in western China,mainly in SW China and the Tibetan Plateau. Heis currently working with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and SwissDevelopment Cooperation on development of grassland carbon finance projects in China and Mongolia,has undertaken analysis of greenhouse gas assessments emissions in the dairysector in Inner Mongolia, and undertakes analysis of policy options for climatechange mitigation in rural China.He is a founding member of the Global Grassland Carbon Working Group, a networkof scientists, practitioners and other interests promoting a role for grasslandcarbon sequestration in global mitigation regimes。

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