

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年03月12日 17:30  新浪财经


  时间:2010年3月27日全天  地点:清华大学经济管理学院舜德楼418

  哥本哈根气候大会虽然达成了某种共识,但更多的,却是给世界各国留下了一系列悬而未决的政策难题和严峻挑战。哥本哈根谈判进一步激发了政府部门、研究机构和民间组织对气候变化问题的审视和思考,也强化了国际间合作应对气候问题的紧迫感和必要性。作为美国以外最大的碳排放体,中国和欧洲国家在全球相关政策的谈判和制定过程中起着举足轻重的关键作用。为此,清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心与欧洲两家气候问题研究的重要机构--波茨坦气候变化研究所(PIK)、德国技术合作公司(GTZ) – 将于2010年3月27日联合举办中-欧气候变化应对政策和低碳经济学术峰会。会议将邀请中国和欧洲国家的重要政府官员、一流专家和资深学者,共同探讨全球气候变化的重要政策和经济问题,评论哥本哈根谈判的重大政策分歧及其对中国和欧洲的影响,预期2010年底联合国墨西哥气候会议,分析和寻求中国与欧洲国家气候决策与低碳经济发展及双边合作的前景。会议语言为中英文(配双语同声传译)。










  Sino-Europe Summit on

  Post-Copenhagen Prospects for GlobalClimate Policy

  March 27, 2010

  418 Shunde Building, School

  of Economics andManagement


  University, Beijing, China

  Co-organizers: CCWE, PIK and GTZ

  The Conference of theParties to the UNFCCC (COP) in Copenhagen was expected tobe a milestone for global cooperative efforts on climate change policy. Itsoutcome, in particular the Copenhagen Accord and its reception in the COPplenary, has evoked mixed reactions from policy makers, stakeholders and thepublic. Against this background, the results of the Copenhagen negotiations require carefulassessment to inform future international coordination efforts. As largestemitters besides the United States, the People’s Republic of China and theEuropean Union (EU) have been and willcontinue to be key players and contributors in the international climate policynegotiations. A Sino-European summit on global climate change and low-carboneconomies will be held at Tsinghua University

  in Beijing onMarch 27, 2010. The event will bring together scholars, experts and policymakers in the field of climate change economics and policy from China and Europe.The event will address the most critical issues and debate on the outcomes of Copenhagen and their implications for China and the European Union withrespect to climate change impacts, mitigation efforts, as well as internationalpolicy options. Next steps for China

  and the EU in the context of desirable research projects and key issues in thepolicy making process ahead will be discussed。

  This senior-level eventwill be organized in cooperation among the Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE) of Tsinghua University, the Potsdam Institute forClimate Impact Research (PIK) and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), withCCWE performing the role as the host。

  The one-day summit willbe led by keynote speeches, followed immediately by three interrelated sessionson a number of important and critical topics and issues. The Chinese andEuropean experts, scholars and policy makers will present, exchange and sharetheir analysis, views and policy recommendations. 

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