

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年01月27日 22:32  新浪财经

  时间:09.00 - 10.30

  地点:Congress Centre - Congress Hall


  与来自超过70 全球议程理事会的专家们一起进行头脑风暴, 从2010世界经济论坛年会掌握世界焦点问题。



  Khalid Abdulla-Janahi, Honorary Chairman, Vision 3, United Arab Emirates; Global Agenda Council on the Future of the Middle East

  Verónica Abud, Executive Director, Fundación Educacional y Cultural La Fuente, Chile; Social Entrepreneur; Global Agenda Council on Social Entrepreneurship

  Yvan Allaire, Chair of the Board of Directors, Institute for Governance of Public and Private Organizations (IGOPP), Canada; Global Agenda Council on the Role of Business

  Wilmot Allen, Founder, 1 World Enterprises, 美国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Faith

  Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Terrorism & Weapons of Mass Destruction

  Rahul Bajaj, Chairman, Bajaj Auto; Member of Parliament, 印度; Global Agenda Council on the Future of 印度

  Alicia Bárcena Ibarra, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Santiago; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Latin America

  Neeraj Bharadwaj, Managing Director, Accel 印度 Growth, 印度; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on the Future of 印度

  Nancy Birdsall, President, Center for Global Development, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Poverty & Development Finance

  Peter Bisanz, Director, Entropy Films, 美国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Faith

  Matthew Bishop, New York Bureau Chief, The Economist, 美国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Philanthropy & Social Investing

  David E. Bloom, Clarence James Gamble Professor of Economics and Demography, Harvard School of Public Health, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Population Growth

  Joachim von Braun, Director, Center for Development Research (ZEF Bonn), Germany; Global Agenda Council on Food Security

  Lawrence B. Brilliant, President, Skoll Global Threats Fund, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Catastrophic Risks

  Tim Brown, 首席执行官, IDEO, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Design

  J. Frank Brown, Dean, INSEAD, France; Global Agenda Council on the Skills Gap

  John Bryant, Founder, Chairman and 首席执行官, Operation Hope, 美国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Poverty & Development Finance

  Jean-Claude Burgelman, Adviser, European Research Area Governance, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, Brussels; Global Agenda Council on Innovation

  Sharan Burrow, President, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Belgium; Global Agenda Council on Employment & Social Protection

  Ángel Cabrera, President, Thunderbird School of Global Management, 美国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Talent & Diversity

  Sandro Calvani, Director, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Turin; Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade

  James Cameron, Vice-Chairman, Climate Change Capital, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change

  Mauricio Cárdenas, Director, Latin America Initiative, Brookings Institution, 美国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Latin America

  Caroline Casey, Founding 首席执行官, Kanchi, Ireland; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Talent & Diversity

  Margaret Catley-Carlson, Patron, Global Water Partnership (GWP), Sweden; Global Agenda Council on Water Security

  成思危, Chairman, International Finance Forum (IFF),中国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of 中国

  Ganhuyag Chuluun Hutagt, 首席执行官, TenGer Financial Group, Mongolia; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Social Entrepreneurship

  Peter L. Corsell, 首席执行官, GridPoint, 美国; Technology Pioneer; Global Agenda Council on Sustainable Energy

  Aron Cramer, President and 首席执行官, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), 美国; Global Agenda Council on Sustainable Consumption

  Elizabeth Daley, Dean, School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California (USC), 美国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Entertainment

  Howard Davies, Director, London School of Economics and Political Science, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Global Investment Flows

  Hussain Dawood, Chairman, Dawood Group, Pakistan; Global Agenda Council on Corruption

  J. Gregory Dees, Professor, Practice of Social Entrepreneurship, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Social Entrepreneurship

  Raghida Dergham, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent and Columnist, Al Hayat, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Negotiation & Conflict Resolution

  Jamie C. Drummond, Executive Director, ONE, 英国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Africa

  Soumitra Dutta, The Roland Berger Chaired Professor in Business and Technology, Academic Director, eLab, INSEAD, France; Global Agenda Council on Benchmarking Progress in Society

  Richard W. Edelman, President and 首席执行官, Edelman, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Marketing & Branding

  Christopher J. Elias, President and 首席执行官, Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), 美国; Social Entrepreneur; Global Agenda Council on Global Healthcare Systems &


  Bob G. Elton, Special Adviser, British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, Canada; Global Agenda Council on the Skills Gap

  Gareth Evans, Co-Chair, International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Melbourne; Global Agenda Council on Terrorism & Weapons of Mass Destruction

  Scott J. Freidheim, Executive Vice-President, Sears Holdings Corporation, 美国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on the Skills Gap

  Kumi Fujisawa Tsunoda, Co-Founder, Think Tank SophiaBank, Japan; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Philanthropy & Social Investing

  Anil Gaba, The ORPAR Chaired Professor of Risk Management, INSEAD, Singapore; Global Agenda Council on Decision-making & Incentive Systems

  Jeffrey E. Ganek, Chairman and 首席执行官, Neustar, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Emerging Multinationals

  Katherine Garrett-Cox, 首席执行官, Alliance Trust, 英国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Talent & Diversity

  Timothy Garton Ash, Professor of European Studies, University of Oxford, 英国

  Helene D. Gayle, President and 首席执行官, CARE 美国, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Humanitarian Assistance

  Ashraf Ghani, Chairman, Institute for State Effectiveness, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Fragile States

  Enrico Giovannini, President, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT), Italy; Global Agenda Council on Benchmarking Progress in Society

  Ian A. Goldin, Director, 21st Century School, University of Oxford, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Global Institutional Governance

  Ron Gonen, 首席执行官 and Co- Founder, RecycleBank, 美国; Technology Pioneer; Global Agenda Council on Sustainable Consumption

  Charles Grant, Director, Centre for European Reform, 英国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of the European Union

  Daniel Gros, Director, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium; Global Agenda Council on the Future of the European Union

  H.R.H. Haakon of Norway, Crown Prince of Norway; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda

  Council on Values

  Ricardo Hausmann, Director, Center for International Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,


  美国; Global Agenda Council on Poverty & Development Finance

  Pekka Himanen, Professor, Helsinki Institute of Information Technology (HIIT), Finland; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Values

  R. Anthony Hodge, President, International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), 英国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Mining & Metals

  Dominic Houlder, Adjunct Professor of Strategic and International Management, London Business School, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Urban


  Steve Howard, 首席执行官, Climate Group, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change

  Kigge Mai Hvid, 首席执行官,

  Index: Design to Improve Life, Denmark; Global Agenda Council on Design

  Herminia Ibarra, The Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership and Learning and Professor of Organizational Behaviour,

  INSEAD, France; Global Agenda Council on

  the Gender Gap

  Yoko Ishikura, Professor, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, Japan; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Japan

  Shirley Ann Jackson, President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 美国; Global Agenda Council on Energy Security

  Jeff Jarvis, Blogger and Professor, Buzzmachine.com, 美国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of the Internet

  Kola Karim, Group Managing Director and 首席执行官, Shoreline Energy International, Nigeria; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Emerging Multinationals

  Yoriko Kawaguchi, Member of the House of Councillors, Japan; Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan (2002-2004); Global Agenda Council on the Future of Japan

  Georg Kell, Executive Director, Global Compact Office, United Nations, New York; Global Agenda Council on the Role of Business

  David Kennedy, Director, Institute on Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Global Institutional Governance

  David W. Kenny, Managing Partner, VivaKi, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Marketing & Branding

  S美国n King, Vice-President, Director, Journalism Initiative, Special Initiatives and Strategy, Carnegie Corporation of New York, 美国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Journalism

  Julia King, Vice-Chancellor, Aston University, 英国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Transportation

  David Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor, Internet and Technology, Fortune Magazine, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Innovation

  Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Vice-President, European Parliament, Brussels; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on the Future of the European Union

  M. James Kondo, President and Vice- Chairman, Health Policy Institute, Japan; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Japan

  David Kuria, Founder and Chief Executive, Ecotact, Kenya; Social Entrepreneur; Global Agenda Council on Social Entrepreneurship

  Kiyoshi Kurokawa, Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Japan; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Japan

  Huguette Labelle, Chair, Transparency International, Germany; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Mining & Metals

  Bruno Lanvin, Executive Director, eLab, INSEAD, France; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government

  Felipe Larraín Bascuñán, Professor of Economics, Catholic University of Chile, Chile; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Latin America

  Robert Z. Lawrence, Albert L. Williams Professor of Trade and Investment, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Trade

  Herman Leonard, Professor of Public Management, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Catastrophic Risks


  Mark Leonard, Executive Director, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), 英国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on the Future of the European Union

  Michael Liebreich, Chairman and 首席执行官, New Energy Finance, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Sustainable Energy

  Laura Liswood, Secretary-General, Council of Women World Leaders, 美国; Global Agenda Council on the Gender Gap

  Julian Lob-Levyt, 首席执行官, GAVI Alliance, Switzerland; Global Agenda Council on Global Healthcare Systems & Cooperation

  William T. Loris, Director-General, International Development Law Organization, Italy; Global Agenda Council on Corruption

  Chris Luebkeman, Director, Global Foresight and Innovation, Arup Group, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Design

  Robert Madelin, Director-General, Health and Consumers, European Commission, Brussels; Global Agenda Council on Nutrition

  John Maeda, President, Rhode Island School of Design, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Design

  Vijay Mahajan, Chairman of the Board, Bhartiya Samruddhi Investments & Consulting Services (BASIX), 印度; Social Entrepreneur; Global Agenda Council on Social Entrepreneurship

  Tumi Makgabo, Founder and Executive Producer, Tumi & Co., South Africa; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on the Gender Gap

  Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin, Ireland; Global Agenda Council on Faith

  Teruaki Masumoto, Executive Adviser, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Japan; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change

  Simon Maxwell, Senior Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Humanitarian Assistance

  Andrew D. Maynard, Chief Science Adviser, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies

  William McDonough, Chairman, William McDonough + Partners / MDBC, 美国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Sustainable Construction

  Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary-General, World Customs Organization (WCO), Brussels; Global Agenda Council on Trade

  Svetlana Mironyuk, Editor-in-Chief, RIA Novosti (Russian News & Information Agency), Russian Federation; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Russia

  Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor, ICCInternational Criminal Court, The Hague; Global Agenda Council on the International Legal System

  Christopher Murray, Institute Director, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - IHME, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Global Healthcare Systems & Cooperation

  Moisés Naím, Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy Magazine, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade

  Robin Niblett, Director, Chatham House, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Global Institutional Governance

  Fernando Nilo, Founder and 首席执行官, Recycla Chile, Chile; Technology Pioneer; Global Agenda Council on Sustainable Consumption

  Richard Nisbett, Theodore M. Newcomb Distinguished University Professor, University of Michigan, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Decision-making & Incentive Systems

  Sadako Ogata, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan

  Ory Okolloh, Executive Director and Founder, Ushahidi, South Africa; Technology Pioneer; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Africa

  Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Managing Director, World Bank, Washington DC; Global AgendaCouncil on Corruption

  Demetrios G. Papademetriou, President and Board Member, Migration Policy Institute (MPI), 美国; Global Agenda Council on Migration

  Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Secretary-General, International Save the Children Alliance, 英国; Global Agenda Council on the Welfare of Children

  Justin Picard, Chief Scientist, Advanced Track & Trace, France; Technology Pioneer; Global Agenda Council on Illicit Trade

  Mark Pieth, Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Basel, Switzerland; Global Agenda Council on Corruption

  Peter Piot, Professor and Director, Institute of Global Health, Imperial College London, 英国; Global Agenda Council on a Healthy Next Generation

  Alejandro Ramírez, 首席执行官,

  Cinepolis, Mexico; Young Global Leader;


  Global Agenda Council on Emerging


  Rafael Ramirez, James Martin Senior Research Fellow in Futures, Oxford Institute for Science, Innovation & Society, University of Oxford, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Strategic Foresight

  Alice Rawsthorn, Design Critic, International Herald Tribune, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Design

  Alvaro Rodriguez Arregui, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, IGNIA Partners, Mexico; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Philanthropy & Social Investing

  Paul M. Romer, Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), 美国; Global Agenda Council on Economic Growth & Development

  Nouriel Roubini, Chairman, Roubini Global Economics Monitor, 美国; Global Agenda Council on the International Monetary System

  Michael J. Roux, Chairman, Roux International, Australia; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Australia

  Rui Chenggang, Director and Anchor, 中国 Central Television,中国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Journalism

  Xavier Sala-i-Martin, Professor of Economics, 哥伦比亚大学, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Economic Growth & Development

  Kim Samuel-Johnson, Director, Samuel Group of Companies, Canada; Global Agenda Council on the Welfare of Children

  Philippe Sands, Professor, University College London, 英国; Global Agenda Council on the International Legal System

  Mallika Sarabhai, Director, Darpana Academy of Performing Arts, 印度; Global Agenda Council on the Future of 印度

  Armen Sarkissian, President and Founder,Eurasia House International, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Energy Security

  Orville H. Schell, Director, Center on US中国 Relations, Asia Society, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change

  Ikram ul-Majeed Sehgal, Chairman, Pathfinder G4S, Pakistan; Global Agenda Council on Terrorism & Weapons of Mass Destruction

  Lilia Shevtsova, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Carnegie Moscow Center, Russian Federation; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Russia

  Feike Sijbesma, 首席执行官, Royal DSM, Netherlands; Chair of the Governors Meeting for Chemicals 2010; Global Agenda Council on Nutrition

  Anant Singh, Film Producer, Videovision Entertainment, South Africa; Global Agenda Council on Values

  Jens Martin Skibsted, Creative Director, Skibsted Ideation, Denmark; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Design

  Dennis J. Snower, President, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany; Global Agenda Council on the International Monetary System

  Josh Spear, Founding Partner, Undercurrent, 美国; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on Marketing & Branding

  Björn Stigson, President, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Switzerland; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change

  Pavan Sukhdev, Study Leader, TEEB, and Special Adviser and Head, Green Economy Initiative, United Nations Environment

  Programme - World Conservation Monitoring

  Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge; Global

  Agenda Council on Ecosystems & Biodiversity


  Peter Sullivan, Group Editor-in-Chief, Independent Newspapers, South Africa; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Africa

  Cobus de Swardt, Managing Director, Transparency International, Germany; Global Agenda Council on Corruption

  Don Tapscott, Chairman, nGenera, Canada; Global Agenda Council on the Future of Government

  Richard H. Thaler, Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Behavioral Science, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Decision-making & Incentive Systems

  Sandy Thomas, Head, Foresight, Government Office for Science, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Strategic Foresight

  Michael Useem, Professor of Management and Director, Center for Leadership and Change Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Catastrophic Risks

  Vijay Vaitheeswaran, Correspondent, The Economist, 美国; Global Agenda Council on Sustainable Energy

  Ann M. Veneman, Executive Director, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), New York;


  Global Agenda Council on the Welfare of Children

  Stewart Wallis, Executive Director, New Economics Foundation, 英国; Global Agenda Council on Faith

  Simon Zadek, Executive Director, Meng Associates, Switzerland; Global Agenda Council on Global Institutional Governance

  Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, Yale University, 美国; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic

  Forum; Global Agenda Council on Trade

  John Zhao, 首席执行官, Hony Capital,中国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of 中国

  Zhou Qiren, Professor, 中国 Centre for Economic Research, National School of Development, Peking University,中国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of 中国

  朱民,中国人民银行副行长,中国; Global Agenda Council on the International Monetary System


  Nik Gowing, Main Presenter, BBC World News, 英国

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