新浪财经 > 会议讲座 > 2010达沃斯(冬季) > 正文
时间:12:30 – 13:30
地点:议会中心 - Sanada 1+ 2
Simultaneous interpretation in English and Chinese This session is open to the reporting press.As this is a televised session, please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session. The door will be closed at the scheduled time of the session。
Klaus Kleinfeld, President and Chief Executive Officer, Alcoa, 美国
Pascal Lamy, Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva
David Li Daokui, Director and Mansfield Freeman Professor of Economics, Center for 中国 in the World Economy (CCWE),
Tsinghua University, People's Republic of 中国; 全球议程理事会 on the Future of Mining & Metals
Stephen A. Schwarzman, 主席 and 首席执行官, The Blackstone Group, 美国
John Zhao, 首席执行官, Hony Capital,中国; Global Agenda Council on the Future of 中国
芮成钢, 中国中央电视台编导兼主持, 中国; 全球议程理事会记者未来专组