新浪财经 > 会议讲座 > 2010达沃斯(冬季) > 正文
时间:10.15 - 11.30
地点:Congress Centre - Congress Hall
The UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen did not reach a definitive global solution on carbon emissions. What immediate steps should governments, businesses and civil society take towards a longterm climate path that is both environmentally effective and economically efficient?
Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico
Yvo De Boer, 联合国气候变化框架公约执行秘书(UNFCCC), 波恩; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change
Carlos Ghosn, 主席兼首席执行官, 雷诺日产联盟
(法国 and 日本), 法国; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
Caio Koch-Weser, 副主席, 德意志银行,英国; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change
Edward J. Markey, 马萨诸塞众议员 (民主党), 7th District,美国
Shyam Saran, 印度总理特使; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change
联合国基金会主席,华盛顿; Global Agenda Council on Climate Change