

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年01月27日 20:08  新浪财经

  时间:09:00 - 10:00

  地点:Congress Centre - Sanada 1+ 2

  主题:2010: Dodging the Double Dip?

  As we enter a new decade, the global economy has been shaken by over a year of recession。

  This raises questions about trust in political and financial establishments, and the accelerated shift of power from West to East。

  In partnership with BBC World News, this session will raise the question: Has the recovery begun, or are we heading for the so-called double dip?

  This session is open to the reporting press。

  As this is a televised session, please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session. The door will be closed at the scheduled time of the session。

  Sharan Burrow, President, International

  Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), 比利时;

  全球议程理事会 on Employment &Social Protection

  Pascal Lamy, Director-General,


  Nik Gowing, 英国广播公司世界新闻频道首席主持人,英国

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