

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年11月18日 12:50  新浪财经

  Peter Powers                          Head of the Delegation and Chair of Advisory Board of UCBPC; Chairman and CEO of Powers Global Strategies, LLC; the Former First Deputy Mayor of NYC

  Sylvia Ng                                President of UCBPC and President of Powers Global Strategies, LLC

  James Chin                             Advisor to UCBPC; Former Chairman of the NYC Board of Standards and Appeals and President of James Chin & Associates, LLC

  Robert Bentson                      Vice President of UCBPC and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NY Staten Island Chamber of Commerce

  Dorothy Chuang                    Vice President of UCBPC; Vice President and Head of China Desk of CBRE

  Eddie Chen                             Vice President of UCBPC; Chief Representative for China of Invest in Sweden Agency; Senior Advisor of International Economic Development Council

  Peter G. Chen                        Vice President of UCBPC; Regional Tax Leader of International Tax Group (China and US Tax) of DeLoitte Tax LLP

  Angie Tang                Executive Director of Committee 100

  Ning Shao                               Chief Executive, Maryland Center China and Pennsylvania Center; Former President, Council of American States in China

  Russell C. Albanese        President & CEO, Albanese Organization, Inc。

  John C Becker III            Executive Vice President, Albanese Organization, Inc。

  Andreas Calianos             Managing Director, Commonfund

  Howard Tsang                  Director, Asia, Willis International

  Angela Pan                Attorney with LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae

  Yuet Fung Ho                         Former Vice President of Int'l Business Development, New York City Economic Development Corporation

  Hsin-Yuan Cheng             Former News Director for USWTV

  Xiaomin Chen                         General Counsel and Secretary of UCBPC; Global Partner of DeHeng Law Offices

  Members from Marathon Club:

  Carl Brooks                      President/CEO, The Executive Leadership Council

  Jessica C. Isaacs               AIG, Board Chair, The Executive Leadership Council

  Carmen Ortiz-McGhee    President, The Marathon Club

  Willie Lanier, Jr。

  Vernon N. Lee, Jr.           Managing Partner, Brightwood Management

  Jennell Lynch                   Vice President of Operations, The Marathon Club

  W. Emery Matthews        Mayfield Gentry Realty Advisors

  Chauncey C. Mayfield             Mayfield Gentry Realty Advisors

  Jim Shepard                     General Partner, GenNx360 Capital Partners

  Chris Simmons                 Managing Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers

  Yi Wang                            Mayfield Gentry Realty Advisors

  Joe Watson                       CEO, WithoutExcuses, Board Chair, The Marathon Club

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