

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年11月01日 01:33  新浪财经








  Paul S. Otellini President and Chief Executive Officer

  Paul S. Otellini is president and chief executive officer of Intel Corporation. He became the company's fifth CEO on May 18, 2005, succeeding Craig R. Barrett. Otellini previously had served as Intel's president and chief operating officer, positions he held since 2002, the same year he was elected to Intel's board of directors. Otellini joined Intel in 1974. Otellini received a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of San Francisco in 1972, and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley in 1974.

  Since joining Intel in 1974, Otellini has managed several Intel businesses, including the company's PC and server microprocessor division and the global sales and marketing organization。

  In 2002, Otellini was elected to Intel's board of directors and promoted to president and chief operating officer. He was named CEO in May 2005, a role in which he's focused on driving the company's growth and mission to deliver innovative, energy-efficient products. Under Otellini's guidance, Intel also aims to usher in a new era when portable wireless computing is available anytime, anywhere. The company also is focused on bringing the next billion people online with affordable computers tailored to their needs。

  Otellini received a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of San Francisco in 1972, and an MBA from the University of California, Berkeley in 1974. Otellini serves on the board of directors of Google Inc。

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