新浪财经 > 会议讲座 > 长江商学院2009年典礼 > 正文
Chang Kyu Kim: Met real China, lifelong friendship, and new vision for my life at CKGSB。
李 剑: 长江一年给了我一生受用不尽的财富:视野、知识和友谊,感谢长江。
李柳妮: CKMBA afforded me a place from which I can see more, learn more, understand more and go further. I am proud to be a CKer。
林先华: 长江商学院,给了我一个新的开始!
刘 敏: More than a reorganization of one’s past experiences, endeavors and accomplishments, being a CKGSB MBA will make one well prepared for even greater future challenges and achievements with knowledge, courage and commitment。
卢嘉为: 善用长江的平台把职业梦想转化为现实,早下定决心并付诸行动,就可能比别人准备得更充分。
骆海峰: A new mind after the classes, a new life after the experience。
彭 敏: 在长江学习的经历是充实的、多样化的、充满启迪性的;感谢长江!
孙丽丽: 感谢长江,我们永远的家园!
王 超: 因为长江,所以格物,从而致知,用以诚意,又正其心,则可谈修身、齐家、治国、平天下。
王道平: 很荣幸成为长江这个大家庭的一员。
吴世永: What I learned in CK is more than the business knowledge, but the sharp business sense and expanded insight。
吴淑怡: 感谢长江,她改变了我的人生,给予了我新的希望!
周小平: 求学一年,受用一生!
诸剑石: In a sense, I never leave CKGSB. As my MBA come to an end, my life as CKer begins。