
亚洲发展银行首席经济学家William James简介

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年04月15日 16:32  新浪财经

  William E. James is a Principal Economist at the Asian Development Bank. He is an expert on international trade and development。

  Mr. James contributes to the Asian Development Outlook, ADB’s  flagship publication, and writes extensively on Asian economies and international economic issues. He has served as advisor to trade, finance and economic ministers and central banks in Asia.  

  Mr. James taught at several universities in Japan and the United States and was a visiting fellow at the Australian National University.  He also served as Director of the Research Division at the International Centre for Research on East Asian Development (Japan) and was a Senior Fellow at the East-West Center and Professor of Economics, University of Hawaii. 

  He has extensive consulting experience with the United Nations, World Bank, and USAID。

  Mr. James has a Ph.D. degree in Economics from the University of Hawaii. g

  William James

  Telephone: +63 2 632 6474

  ADB web site: http://www.adb.org

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