

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年01月04日 16:59  新浪财经

  Since its adoption of the reform and opening up policy in China, SJTU has taken the lead in the management system reform in the institutions of higher learning, thus regaining its vigor and vitality as well as momentum for rapid growth as never seen before. A number of its disciplines have been advancing towards the world's first-class level, such as communication and electronic system, naval architecture and ocean engineering, automatic control, composite materials, and metal plasticity processing. A batch of burgeoning branches of learning have occupied an important position in the country, such as Large-scale integrated circuit, computer science, optical fiber technology, systems engineering.

  SJTU boasts a good number of famous scientists and professors, including 22 academicians of the Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering, 31 "Changjiang Chair Professors" and more than 1, 420 professors and associate professors.

  In the new century, SJTU has formulated a grand blueprint for future development and is determined to make continued efforts to build itself into a first class university in the world.

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