
CAIJING Annual Conference 2009

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年11月22日 19:23  新浪财经

  CAIJING Annual Conference 2009: Forecasts and Strategies

  11-13 December, 2008 Beijing

  13 January, 2009 Washington DC

  As the world's political, economic and financial frames changed in the context of the global economic downturn, China’s social and economic transition experienced challenges in 2008. Financial crisis led to a global economic recession, but also shook the existing system of values and development models. Countries around the world labor to find the only way to solve the crisis, knowing full well that the fruit of their labors is bound to be the construction of a new world pattern. What will this new world pattern resemble? What role should China play in this process? After entering the deep zone of reform and opening, how will China convert various unfavorable factors into the driving force behind reform to complete the economic and social structural transformation?

  This year’s CAIJING Annual Conference will address these and other essential questions from the perspective of world opinion leaders.

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