

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年11月19日 11:55  新浪财经

  The great array of experiences and insights presented in this 2nd edition provide not only food for thought but a rich assortment of ideas that can be explored, critiqued and built upon.

  Today in China and around the world, more and more companies are understanding the holistic nature of human resource management and an increasing number are integrating the principles of the United Nations Global Compact that outline and support the work of companies to integrate values in the areas of Human Rights, Labour Conditions, the Environment and Anti-corruption into the strategic vision, the policies and operating practices.

  The publication of the SASAC CSR guidelines for State Owned Enterprises in January, 2008 underscore the growing international reality that large and small companies alike are increasingly being judged not only on financial performance but on environmental, social governance aspects. The Global Compact provides a concrete platform to help a company develop and integrate advanced concepts in Human Resource Management within its overall values and vision.

  Once again, the research outcomes and practical insights explored in the 2nd Edition present thought provoking ideas which will be of tangible use as company leaders strive to improve the overall approach to HRM at the strategic, policy and operational levels. And if this new book can generate thinking that leads to further improvement of HRM within the organization, it will have added real value.

  联合国办公厅全球盟约主任 杜比

  Frederick C. Dubee

  Senior Advisor

  Global Compact

  United Nations

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