

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月29日 17:36  新浪财经

  Approved by the State Council, the China Beijing International Cultural & Creative Industry Expo (ICCIE) is a large-scale international cultural and creative industry expo co-sponsored by The Ministry of Culture,P.R.C., The State Administration of Radio Film and Television, General Administration of Press and Publication, P.R.C. and The People’s Government of Beijing Municipality, co-organized by 26 departments of Beijing Municipal People’s Government including Publicity Department of Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC, and organized by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Beijing Sub-Council. ICCIE is held in Beijing, China in the second half of each year, and up to now, two such expos has been successfully held and exerted considerable influence to the society at home and abroad. ICCIE has built a platform of cultural and creative industrial information exchanges, product transactions and project cooperation, provided the latest theoretical basis for the decision-making of governments and enterprises, offered expansive developmental space for the marketization, informationization and industrialization of cultural and creative products, promoted China’s cultural and creative products and services to go global, and enhanced the international competitiveness of the Chinese culture.

  The 1st ICCIE was held in Beijing on December 10-14, 2006, covering a total exhibition area of 40,000 sq. m. Centered on the theme of “Creation, Science & Technology and Culture”, over 50 activities were held in the 6 series including, key activities, exhibition & shows, forums & summits, presentations & trade fairs, creative activities, and art performances,etc., 184 cooperative intentions and agreements, with the total contractual value of USD 3.763 billion were signed, covering industrial base construction, introduction of base projects, art performance, publications, copyright transactions, production and transactions of movie and television programs, design creation, R&D of animated cartoon and the Internet games, transactions of antique and artwork, cultural tourism, etc.

  Compared with the 1st ICCIE, the 2nd ICCIE featured even richer and more colorful contents, much greater exhibition scale and more activities. Centered on the theme of “Cultural creation and People’s Olympics”, the 2nd ICCIE was held in Beijing on November 7-14, covering an exhibition area of 60,000 sq. m., attracting some 260,000 people who pay close attention to the cultural creative industry and are from all walks of life, including governments at home and abroad, academia, industry, financial investment, college research institutes, etc., and attracting over 5,200 people participating in the Expo for transaction negotiations, cooperative intentions, reaching 220 agreements with the total contractual value of USD 3.827 billion.

  3rd ICCIE shall be held in Beijing From December 17 to 21, 2008. The exhibition area will approach 130,000 sq.m., and 6 series activities will be held during the expo, including key activities, exhibition & shows, forums & summits, presentation & trade fairs, creative activities, and art performances. The main exhibition will be held in China International Exhibition Center on December 18 to 21, 2008, and the affiliated exhibiton and shows will be held in Beijing International Book City, The China Millennium Monument, Beijing Fashion Design Plaza(751 Factory),Beijing Film Academy, etc.

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