

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月28日 18:37  新浪财经

  China Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Research Center

  中国企业社会责任研究中心是由南方周末报社发起, 以全面推动企业社会责任为使命的机构。中心以“世界500强企业在华贡献排行榜”、“中国(内地)民营企业创富榜”、“国有上市企业社会责任榜”三榜评选为核心,通过设立以经营状况、社会责任为主体的指标体系,通过对在华大型企业的综合调研评估,传播研究中心“责任同行”的理念,引导企业、社会的和谐发展。

  The China CSR Research Center, founded by the Southern weekly, is an authoritative institute with promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) as its mission. Its tasks include referencing Overall Ranking of Contribution of Fortune Global 500 in China and the Overall Ranking of Chinese Private Enterprises, and creating the Overall Ranking of Listed State-owned Enterprises by Corporate Social Responsibility. Through establishing an index system involving Operation status, CSR, social contribution and public image of the company, and carrying out comprehensive investigation, research and assessment, the center broadcasts the concept of “developing with the responsibility” to the whole society, commending the correct CSR direction and guiding the harmonious development of enterprises and the society at large. It is first institute in China to research and assess the capital scale and CSR of companies on the basis of scientific and measurable third-party data.

  在中国的CSR项目 / CSR作为::

  中国企业评选 Ranking of Enterprises in China


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