
太平洋基金亚太总经理Brian Baker简介

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月13日 11:50  新浪财经


  Brian Baker is a Managing Director with PIMCO LLC and Chief Executive Officer and Director of the firm’s Hong Kong office, PIMCO Asia Ltd. He is responsible for overseeing serving of PIMCO’s institutional client relationships and business development in the region. Mr. Baker is also co-Head of PIMCO’s official institution business where he oversees globally PIMCO’s investment services to central banks, sovereign wealth funds, and supranational organizations. Mr. Baker joined PIMCO in 1997, previously having been associated with the Bank of Montreal as vice president managing North American institutional client relationships. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the George Washington University with a distinction in international finance, and an MBA with a specialization in finance, economics, and international business from the University of Chicago.

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