
世界银行中蒙局局长David Dollar简介

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月13日 11:49  新浪财经

  World Bank Office, Beijing

  David Dollar

  Country Director, China and Mongolia

  Mr. David Dollar, a US national, is the World Bank’s Country Director for China and Mongolia in the East Asia and Pacific Region, based in Beijing.

  Prior to his present assignment, Mr. Dollar worked as Director for the development research department of the World Bank, overseeing the Bank’s research on the investment climate and growth. He co-authored the recent World Bank reports Globalization, Growth, and Poverty and Assessing Aid. His earlier work focused on aid and growth, and the determinants of the success and failure of reform programs supported by structural adjustment lending. He has been a key World Bank spokesperson on investment climate, globalization, and the effectiveness of aid.

  Mr. Dollar joined the Bank in 1990 as an Economist in the Asia Region. He worked as the country economist for Vietnam through 1995. He advised the economic leaders of that country during a period of stabilization and transition to a market economy, and prepared the first World Bank country assistance strategies to support that transition.

  Prior to joining the Bank, Mr. Dollar was on the faculty of the Department of Economics at the University of California, Los Angeles; he has published widely in the areas of productivity growth, technology transfer, and development in East Asia. As a professor, he spent a semester teaching at the Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing. He has a PhD in economics from New York University and a B.A. in Chinese history and language from Dartmouth College.

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