
麦格理资本亚太区总裁兼TMET主席Andrew Low

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月13日 11:41  新浪财经

  Andrew Low


  Head of Asia, Macquarie Capital &

  Chairman of Telecommunications, Media, Entertainment and Technology (TMET)


  BEcon, ASIA


  Andrew Low is Head of Macquarie Capital in Asia which comprises the Macquarie Group’s mergers and acquisitions, equity capital markets, principal investments and infrastructure and other specialised funds and investment banking activities in the region. He is based in Hong Kong and has 17 years of experience in M&A, equity and debt capital raisings, specialised funds and general corporate finance in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. Andrew is also on Macquarie’s Asian Underwriting Committee.

  Andrew led the deal team for the purchase of ING’s Asian Equities business in 2004 and the subsequent growth of the Macquarie Capital Advisers business in Asia which now comprises more than 400 people in 13 offices in Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Mumbai, New Delhi, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo.

  Andrew is also global Chairman of Macquarie’s Telecommunications, Media, Entertainment and Technology (TMET), practice with a team of 90 sector focused professionals around the world. From 2001 he led Macquarie’s development of an international TMT practice, including the creation of Macquarie Communications Infrastructure Group (MCIG) and the Macquarie Media Group (MMG) which manage more than US$15 billion of telecoms and media related assets.

  Andrew was selected as one of the Asia Society’s Asia 21 Young Leaders, sets on the Executive Council of Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee and is an Asian Adviser to the Queensland Institute of Medical Research. He sits on the Advisory Council of the Asia Society Austral Asia Centre and was a member of the Securities Institute of Australia’s National Taskforce for the Mergers & Acquisitions and Applied Valuation and Analysis subjects when based in Australia.

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