
法国安盛(亚洲)集团总裁Andrew Penn简介

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月13日 11:37  新浪财经

Andrew Penn FCCA, MBA Group Chief Executive Aged 44. Director of AXA APH and NMLA, and Group Chief Executive since 1 October 2006. Director of AllianceBernstein Australia Limited, AllianceBernstein New Zealand Limited, AXA-Minmetals, Bharti AXA Life and various AXA APH subsidiaries. He joined AXA APH in 1990 in the UK, and has held a variety of senior positions with the AXA APH Group including Chief Executive International, General Manager Operations, Group Chief Financial Officer, Managing Director Group Strategic Development and Chief Executive Officer Australia and New Zealand. He is a member of the Global AXA Group Executive Committee and is Chairman and Foundation Board Member of Very Special Kids, and an Ambassador for the Amy Gillett Foundation.
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