

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月13日 11:36  新浪财经

  K.K. Tse is executive vice president and head of State Street's investment servicing business in Asia Pacific.

  Mr. Tse received his Bachelor of Arts degree magna cum laude from Lawrence University of Wisconsin in 1981, a Masters of Business Administration degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1985, and a Masters of Public Administration degree from the University of Hong Kong in 1988.

  As a Hong Kong native, Mr. Tse has worked in Asia for twenty-five years in banking, investment and public services. He joined State Street in Hong Kong in 1993 and was promoted to executive vice president in 2002. As a corporate leader, Mr. Tse serves as a member of State Street's Executive Management Group, Major Risk Committee, and various subsidiaries boards.

  Before joining State Street, Mr. Tse spent four years at Standard Chartered as director, institutional services responsible for marketing and client relationship for its pension, trust, investment and custody services in Asia. He has also worked at Ogilvy & Mathers as director of financial communications, Baring Securities as investment analyst and the Hong Kong government as administrative officer.

  With active participation in many industry groups, Mr. Tse has served on a variety of industry organizations and government boards. He is currently a panel member of the Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal as appointed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR government. In addition, he chaired the Committee of Open-ended Mutual Funds of the China Securities Regulatory Commission when China wanted to launch open-ended funds in 2001. In his personal capacity, Mr. Tse is the council chair of Oxfam Hong Kong.

【 新浪财经吧 】


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