
TL wants Chinese Co.

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月10日 15:05  新浪财经

  Think London wants a lucky number of Chinese businesses to invest in the 2012 Games

  (August 9, 2008)Think London, the foreign direct investment agency for London, has today announced a new section of its website which gives more advice and help for Chinese businesses that are looking at expanding into the UK. The ‘8888’ page was officially launched by Think London’s Chief Executive Michael Charlton at the agency’s first major business event held in Beijing, with Minister for the Olympics and London, the Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP.

  Michael Charlton said: “Chinese businesses are expanding quickly and looking to new global markets for growth and we want them to make London their next home. These firms clearly recognise the importance of going global and we hope they will now set their sights on UK and the 2012 Games in London. The new section on Think London’s website and our office in Beijing offer direct assistance and support for Chinese companies. We hope that they will type in 8888 and it will be a very lucky number for them.”

  The Think London event co-hosted by Deloitte is the first in a series of business forums at London House, which is located in Beijing’s Shi Cha Hai district. The house will represent London’s presence in the city during the Games in Beijing.

  The number 8888 has been chosen because it represents four key metrics important for Chinese businesses which are looking to set up in London:

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