
LSE opens Beijing RO

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月06日 20:07  新浪财经

  The London Stock Exchange -LSE opened a representative Office with the goal of attracting listings of rapidly growing Chinese companies.Two US. rivals - the New York Stock Exchange NYSE and NASDAQ - opened Beijing offices in December.

  The LSE is the gateway for Chinese companies wanting to get into the euro zone and the market is cost-effective, said Clara Furse, the LSE's chief executive officer.Stricting listing requirements would help Chinese companies improve their corperate governance and management, Furse added.

  Chinese companies could seek partners in Europa and other regions of the world through the LSE, said Jiang Nan, representative of the LSE's Beijing office.Seventeen Chinese companies raised US$ 1,9 billion through London listings last year. To date, 68 Chinese firms in 20 sectors, including manufacturing, services, and clean technology, have listed on the bourse.

  "The LSE dose not focus on any special sector. We have an open mind," said Furse. She added that several Chinese companies were preparing for LSE listings.The LSE applied to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for the establishment of the office late last year and gained approval early this month.

  Stock Exchanges in Japan, Singapore and the Republic of Korea have also gained regulatory approval to open China offices.The Singapore Stock Exchange has said it would open its Beijing office early this year.

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