
London 2012 Olympics

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月06日 19:43  新浪财经

  The International Olympic Committee's Evaluation Commission has praised the 'very high quality' of London's bid for the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. The report of the Commission, which has been published just one month before the crucial vote to elect the 2012 Host City, highlights the strong political support for the bid, the legacy the Games would leave in London and the involvement of athletes in every aspect of the bid.

  The report concluded that:

  * The bid enjoys strong support and commitment from the Queen, the national government and the Greater London Authority.

  * The report highlighted the 'significant' sporting and social legacy of London's plans for the East End of the city. "The Olympic Games would be the catalyst for the regeneration and development of the Lower Lea Valley, site for the Olympic Park," it reads. "This park would provide significant sports and environmental legacies."

  * The report also notes that "Athletes have had a direct input into village, venue and operational planning."

  * The budgeting process is very detailed and meticulous, and assumptions are well supported and they are achievable.

  * The report states that "64% of competition venues needed for the Games already exist, are under construction or are planned irrespective of the Games."

  * On the Paralympic Games, the report notes: "With its rich history, the capacities of UK Paralympic Sport are among the best in the world."

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