
The Advantage Of London

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月05日 17:15  新浪财经

  Easy to set up and expand: there are fewer restrictions concerning international ownership and doing business in the UK than in any other major European country. Transparent corporate governance regulations contribute to low-risk regulatory environment. UK company law allows for faster start-up.

  Favourable tax regime: currently the highest rate of corporate tax is 30% but from 2008 it will be cut to 28%. The highest rate of income tax is 40%. VAT is 17.5%.

  Top talent: London is home to Europe’s largest regional workforce — more than 9.8 million, with one in three holding a university degree. It’s also a magnet for highly-experienced senior managers.

  Flexible labour: the UK is one of the most flexible labour markets in Europe. Hiring and firing practices mean businesses can scale up and down quickly as required

  Europe’s leading financial centre: every leading financial institution on the planet is represented in London. London is one of the world’s leading financial centres.

  Hub for global brands: a third of the world’s largest companies are headquartered in London.

  Magnet for foreign investment: a quarter of London businesses are foreign-owned — 13,510 overseas-owned companies from 92 countries. London attracts more inward investment than any other European country (more than 7% of all foreign direct investment into Europe in 2006)

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