
The Food & Restaurant of London

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月01日 19:45  新浪财经

  There around 6,000 licensed restaurants in London offering menus from over 50 major country cuisine styles. In addition, there are also over 5,000 pubs and bars, as well as 83 markets, many of which sell food from around the world.

  Since 2000, over 1,000 new restaurants have opened in London, with a record 158 new venues opening in 2007. Thai and Japanese food has been London’s fastest growing cuisine style in recent years.There has also been a upturn in English cuisine, helped by renewed interest in modern British food

  London has also become a leading gourmet city. The capital now boasts 45 Michelin starred restaurants, up from 34 in 2004. These include one coveted three star venue, Gordon Ramsey at Chelsea.London also has 27 Bib Gourmand establishments offering good food at moderate prices. Five restaurants in the capital have been voted amongst the 50 best restaurants in the world


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