
Comunication Of London&Beijing(2)

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月01日 17:17  新浪财经

  Chart 2

  Top 4 international student populations in London


  Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency


  Over the past five years London has received more inward investment projects from China than any other European city. In 2007 London received 11 of the 51 investment projects in Europe by Chinese companies, according to data collected by Ernst & Young (see Chart 3)

  The number of projects in 2007 was the highest that London had received in the past 5 years – against a fall in projects from China across the rest of Europe. Over the past five years a third of all inward investment projects in the UK have been in London. The majority of Chinese projects in London perform sales and marketing and headquarters functions.

  Chart 3

  Number of inward investment projects in London and Europe


  Source: Ernst & Young European Investment Monitor

  London is one of the world’s two leading financial centres (along with New York) and a key centre for Chinese firms to raise capital.

  In addition to 6 Chinese companies listed on the main London Stock Exchange, companies from China have in recent years raised finance on London’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in increasing numbers. The chart below shows the progression in numbers of Chinese firms listing on the AIM since 1997.

【 新浪财经吧 】


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