
The Theme of 2008 Summit

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月29日 09:49  新浪财经


  Metamorphosis,Pains before happiness

  Painstaking Growth

  Crisis,touchstone for maturity

  2008 is the year of Chinese people, the year of Olympic Games and also the year of all human being. The closer we come to it, the more tests we face like snowstorms, overheating economy, earthquake, environmental pollution and other challenges.

  Overheating market gets across to Chinese people how wonderful if we stop where it should stop. The experienced catastrophes help Chinese people go deep into the dignity of life. 15 years until 2008 has witnessed considerable commercial process in China. There is a Chinese saying going like this, “ At fifteen, my mind is set on learning”. The twists and turns have inspired commercial wisdom in China, albeit, the country’s commerce is still premature. How can we lead the team to break through the siege? How can we minimize the impact of crisis? How can the enterprises work out emergency plans and respond quickly? How can China still maintain its healthy development against the inflation? How shall we look at American subprime mortgage crisis, food crisis, oil crisis, environmental pollution, economic crisis in Vietnam?

  Global Entrepreneur sincerely invites you to have a close look at the metamorphosis and growth of China’s commerce and predicts the changing future of China’s economy.

【 新浪财经吧 】


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