演讲嘉宾:Hock-Meng-Foonghttp://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月04日 15:00 新浪财经
Mr. Foong is President and Director of PIMCO Asia Pte Ltd. responsible for client relationship and business development. Mr. Foong joined the firm in 2005 having previously been the Managing Director of Bank Pictet & Cie (Asia) Limited responsible for institutional business in the Asia-Pacific (ex Japan) region. Prior to that, he was a Managing Director of UBS Warburg in the fixed income sales and trading department. Mr. Foong has 23 years of investment experience and holds a B.Sc.(Hon) in Economics from the University of Bath, England, and a M.Sc. in Operational Research from the University of Birmingham, England.
【 新浪财经吧 】